Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quell the Rage in my Heart

 April 16
Print cartridges tried to ruin my life.  But I went to Best Buy and WON.

 April 17
Half a day at work with no kids.  I read my kindle at my desk.

 April 18
Rainy Days...

 April 19
Then Sunny..

 April 20
"OH HELL NO."  It was a major fight.  Someone called the cops.

 April 21
Makin beer, impersonating "Game of Thrones", eatin stromboli's and hangin like a boss like we in college again

April 22
I wore PJs all day and was a slave to school work

 April 23
I told a ...Little story.. bout Jack and Jenni-ferER.

 April 24
Kiersten's Birthday.  We celebrated with awesome headgear.

 April 25
Her room is covered in star wars now

 April 26
I woke up 35 minutes later and was almost late to work

 April 27
SERIOUSLY it's hard waking up and getting to bed

 April 28
Drivin cars. Buyin shoes.  Shoppin non-outlets.  It's how we do.

 April 29
Happy Birthday, Colton James!!

April 30
My students gave me a bouquet

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