remember when you harassed Jenell and I about applebee's? (joey...) Or when you suggested we go to bars when we were left with nothing to do in Millville? (eavvon and lisa..)
WELL I INVITE YOU TO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS PICTURE. This is a picture of one of Millville's 2 bars on a Friday night at about 11:30 PM.
I rest my case.
you rested your case without mentioning that if Cheezy and the Crackers hadn't been there, there would have been really, really bad music on...as their was between their sets. things like.. EVANESCENCE!
it's just no good people, no good.
Hey- I suggested you go to Bennigans. That place was Live! And i have never suggested go to bars when left with minimal options. I don't like being used as a scapegoat, Jamie Lynn, that is slander, and you would think that someone who has undergone extensive technical training in WCU's communication's department would know this.
I rest MY case. Bla-dow
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