- My motherboard dying (is that bad? Like am i gonna lose all my files?) on my laptop and something about the memory I don't know. CONCLUSION: My laptop doesn't work.
- Wanting cereal and not having it.
- The bank being called because they took $35.00 from me for something I didn't even know was a problem.
- Even though my class only had 5 kids today, it felt like 20.
- Taking the worst adventure EVER.
The Upside to These Problems:
- Dell will be sending someone next week to my house to fix my motherboard, memory and whatever else i don't know
- I got my cereal!
- The bank gave me BACK my money cause I got mad over the phone!
- .... there is no plus side to this problem.
- Planning the best adventure to get cereal! (we were so innocent then.. so full of anticipation.... oh if only we knew....)
there is an episode of Sex & The City where Carrie's computer dies (as well as Miranda's mother) and Aiden goes to get her a new one but then she freaks out and all of her problems could have been eased if she had just backed up her computer. Did you learn nothing?!!
The moral of this is, get an Aiden who will buy you a new laptop, but dont freak out that he just wants to be a part of your life. You gotta let people in sometimes.
LUCKILY i didn't have a LOT of important stuff on there. Just some pictures (LIKE YOUR PHILLYCARSHARE PICTURE OMG WHAAAAA), some music and a copy of my resume. but i needed to update that shit anyway.
but STILL. :(
allegedly though.. not all is lost. I've talked to some people and they're saying I may be able to salvage some things.. WOOT
no wonder you never responded to that email. I thought you were just being an ass. Don't i feel silly.
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