its from a thyroglossal duct cyst surgery I had when I was like 3 or something.
I don't even know what that means and half the time i just describe it as a surgery from a cyst cause I don't remember the full title - so really, it's not a big deal. just a scar I have had since as long as I can remember.
This was an interesting post considering I've never really thought to ask about it. I just assumed it was a scar and thus no big deal. I seriously am not a very curious person. haha I assumed you got it in a knife fight. Soccer matches get CRAZY in Millville! I know how you do!
actually you're right.. it was just a knife fight. the post was actually just one big "j/k" but you obviously knew me best and called me out on that shit! I can't lie! Knife fight!! Happening in 95 and it hurt like hell but you shoulda seen the other dude!
i never took you for much of a fighter...i guess i don't know you at all. Personally, im more of a lovist than a fightist
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