Sunday, May 20, 2007

i wish you would take my radio to bathe with you

My cat almost ended her *~tragic~* life today. She was rubbing aganist the screens of one of the kitchen windows and it gave way and she fell. I didn't see it, I just heard her meow as she fell and the sound of something toppling.

I got up and looked around the house for her and couldn't find her, so my dad went outside and found her sitting on our deck, which is weird because normally she'd be running.

Needless to say, she survived, and I'm just glad she didn't fall from my window.



jenell o' boogie said...

i think snickers is an alcoholic. she has a problem.

Jamie said...

seriously.. always trying to escape.. being a total bitch.. sleepin all the time...

i may need to have an intervention with my cat.