I think Target makes me look friendly. I got coffee there - the coffee lady told me all about how she used to hate coffee until she tried this new drink at starbucks. I check out - the lady tells me how she might pass out and just ate something but she feels like she could fall at any moment.
which brings up another point - are you supposed to help when someone tells you that? cause I just smiled and said, "Well that's not good..." then when I got my bag I just said, "thank you" and left. Hm.
I often ask myself that question. Being a lifegaurd and all. I just ignore the problem until there is no way I can overlook it. Thats my advice, since i'm sure that when you posted this, your main question was "I wonder what Eavvon thinks?" Now you know!
jamie, this is amy going to put my $100,000 legal education to use.. you dont have to help her legally but if you tried to help her and fucked up, you're liable. so hence, dont help haha.
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