Sunday, May 8, 2011

but darling, silence is golden

My poor little Kitten (okay she's not a kitten..) has been really sick on and off for a long time now.  The past few days she had gotten progressively worse.  The vet said she had a tumor in her stomach or large intestine and to see how she did over the weekend.  Unfortunately, she wasn't eating and was hardly drinking, so she ended up taking a major turn for the worse and the decision was made to put her down.

I miss her very much, the house feels a bit more empty now.  But really, it's for the best, because it was heartbreaking to watch her struggle to even walk.

While she was a bitchy cat and wasn't the nicest to my sister or strangers, she was super nice to me and I did love her, and I'm glad she was alive as long as she was.

1995 - 2011.  <3

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