Friday, April 1, 2011

i've only just begun

Ah April First.
My weekend with Stef and Matt started with me playing an April Fool's Joke on Matt.  Here's how it went.
(supposed to be at matt's at 7pm, we had dinner reservations at 9pm.)
6:50pm.  I'm a block away from Matt's house.

Me:  Shit! Matt!  I just woke up and I haven't even packed!   I'm gonna be sooo late.
Matt:  All right, be careful getting up here.

As I drive in front of Matt's house, he's coming down the stairs and I'm waving with the windows down and and screaming, "APRIL FOOOOOLS" and he stops and just looks kinda stunned as I go to park my car.

I guess somone forgot about the holiday!

Anyway, after I had a good laugh at my own joke, Stef, Matt and I went to the restaurant where Matt's Famous Uncle Karl runs the bar.  We got really good food and some good beer before going back to Matt's to read him his autobiography.

I don't know why Matt hates Stef and I.

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