Monday, August 20, 2007

release your inhibitions

let's play a round of "YOU TELL ME..."

Checkers drive through.
It's 11:40PM.

Jenell and Jamie and the staff at Checkers

Two girls pull up to the pick up window ... through the exit.
Man inside has to tell them to drive around to the drive through window.
Jamie and Jenell order: "two small banana milkshakes" "the 69 cents ones?" "yes. wait are they really small?" "yes." "k the next size up."
Jamie then pulls up to the window to pay and recieve order: "that's $3.69." *Jamie hands the men 10 dollars. Two 5 dollar bills* "Whoa, ten dollars? Here." *hands jamie back the $5*

commence trip.

If you were an employee at Checkers..... Would you totally think Jamie and Jenell were stoned?!


jenell o' boogie said...

I resent this update! You're becoming quite a little blogger ala Perez Hilton over here! All slandering my good name for the sake of an interesting post! I was definitely not the one acting stoned! I was so misrepresented in this post!

shenanigans, people! shenanigans!!!!

Jamie said...
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Jamie said...

dudes totally would have thought you were high! Otherwise they would have thought you were stupid because you let me drive.

jenell o' boogie said...

If I wasn't in the car, you'd still be trying to get home!

I don't need your sort of element in my life! I'll drive myself to Checkers, pothead!

Jamie said...

yeah i know you were useful to me. but i'm pretty sure the employees had to of thought you were high too. Neither of us WERE, but I doubt they'd think I was the only high one in the car..

Brianinmpls said...


Jamie said...

thats what i thought too, brian. after we left.. i kept getting lost. i really think i might have unknowingly got stoned or something...

Joey said...

sigh, you don't know how much i love reading about you and jnell rockin jersey diners and chains like its yr job.

Jamie said...

joey - i am glad that this brings you such joy. i hope i never let you down.