Tuesday, August 28, 2007

all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same

For lunch today, I went to shoprite and got food at their "market". I avoided cooked food and went for the fruit and salad, alas, while looking at the cooked food I saw one lone piece of pizza....

it looked old, rubbery, and the cheese on the side looked stringy.

I wanted to put a sign next to it that read:
those who eat this pizza will hate pizza forever afterwards.

but I didnt.


jenell o' boogie said...

get jealous of my hot red glasses? had to run out and get some funky blue ones? omg you and eavvon so wanna be me! ;P

pizza is bad, mmkay?

Jamie said...

i read metallic blue on the website and was hella intrigued. your red ones kick my blue ones ass though. and your red ones were cheaper than my blue ones! i'm totally jealous of THAT.

so now we have standard black, hot red, and funky blue. we'll have to keep buying them so we'll have a full collection between us.

i would agree with you on that pizza comment if i bought that pizza! no doubt!

D.M. said...

Apples are good.. and my sunglasses are kick-ass black. So take that.

jenell o' boogie said...

ill have to get green or yellow ones... i tried white ones and they didnt work on me. do they even make green or yellow ones? they should.

Jamie said...

i'm not sure. i'm almost positive i've seen yellow..

there's this pair too..


if that works