Should I have just picked off all the meat and had bread to be polite?
I ordered a pair of sandals online today when my mom offered to pay for half.
But did I really need to buy the scarf?
In the evening, my uncle tried to convince me to climb in a cage in the middle of the ocean to see sharks up close. (LOL NO!!!!!!!!!)
Oh my God I go to Hawaii in a week and a few days?
I got offered a job last night working with children again for the summer.
But was it a good idea to take it?
someone went to McDonald's!
don't feel too bad about taking that summer job, I've been seriously talking to my mom about working down the shore at my Aunt's. money is evil, but necessary.
yeah but i didnt know if i wanted to get something with my degree to look nice on my resume. but now i'm locked in for this thing til august haha
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