And I hate that ears pop so much on airplanes. You'd think they would have devised something by now to prevent that.
I also missed my first Jenell show today! First one ever missed! And I HEARD they were giving out free freshly made strawberry lemonade to people who were associated with her! >:|
So the highlight of my day has been this view from our hotel room.
serenity now!
jamie is the new trent!
"You'd think they would have devised something by now to prevent that." LOLOL
it's called ear plugs, darling. gum helps, but they have "devised" air plugs just for cabin pressure ear popping.
and no, ipod earbuds don't count.
jenell - i had two pieces of gum for teh landing and one for the take off. it HELPS but sometimes it just hurts so much anyway. i guess i should get ear plugs before i leave again
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