Sunday, June 3, 2007

all the modern things have always existed

In highschool, me and the other cool people in yearbook class said that one of our highschool extracurricular activites was bullfighting. Some of us were only JV, but some of us were Varsity. We also said we were part of the basketweaving club, magic club, monster truck club and many other unique and non-exsitent clubs.

needless to say, in june when we got our yearbooks, the higher powers took matters into their own hands and made sure we only got to keep our boring old stuff like soccer and choir or whatever.

I was looking forward to showing people that in the future and laughing....

thanks a lot stupid yearbook people.


Joey said...

dont lie jamie, there were no cool people in yearbook

Jamie said...

asides from me and 4 other people? yeah there wasnt, JOEY.