Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My style is ri-dic-dic-diculous, 'diculous, 'diculous

top ten ways you know you're dating a pedophile:
3. always whistling "Thank Heaven For Little Girls"
4. they always seem to be rocking a michael jackson tshirt and feel michael would "get" them.
5. always has a pocket full of candy
6. sell balloons from their car
7. is late to dinner because they got caught up at the park.
9. suggest you wear bobby socks and smaller clothes - then say, "men will be checking you out... i dont know why though..."
10. drives a station wagon

top ten ways you know the tv show you're writing is going to suck:
3. you let a baby puppy write the script

I urge you to fill in the rest.


e. Styles said...
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e. Styles said...

so for the pedophile one:
8. regardless of the sex, a weird creepy mustache is their faical hair of choice

2. they always suggest playgrounds as places for dates

1. there is a small child in your bed, who is just a friend, hanging out...(weird)

e. Styles said...

10. Carlos Mencia is a co-star
9. David Spade will only join if Carlos Mencia is his co-star
8. Your time slots are either after cason daily, or before jerry springer
7.your pilot idea is "lets just turn on the camera and see what happens"
6. There are white rappers involved
5. There is some element of deception and uncovering cheaters or weird relationship triangles with over weight lovers or aforementioned pedophiles
4. Boy George is an executive producer
3. (Isnt "baby" puppy kind of redundant?)
2. The show is shot on location at either a beach, cove, or marine like county.
1. Carlos Mencia has turned down your offer, because the concept is beneath him.

Matt said...

For the pedo one:
1)Calls doggy style "The crawl"
2)eps a significant stock of Tylenol PM or Nyquil