Tuesday, May 22, 2007

believe it or not it's just me

The girl in the background on the right...


e. Styles said...

baby/ little kid teeth are soo creepy. maybe thats just me, but i feel like they are made only for the tearing of flesh. and that crazy girl looks ready to just rip a hand to pieces.

jenell o' boogie said...

i can't wait til you have another job so there won't be anymore little brats in your blog

Matt said...

Yesterday, a bunch of the kids at my school decided that it was cool to pretend that they had lice. The whole day I was "bugging" out thinking they were serious.

Jamie said...

eavvon - seriously her teeth were part of her "crazy" look but they just went with her personality..

jenell - me too.

matt - been there.