Saturday, February 3, 2007

we'll find another way to dance

I'm never really big on naps. I don't like to take them too late in the day because I figure I may as well stick it out for the rest of the day. If I do take naps then, I usually limit them to -at the most- an hour.

But lately, all I want to do is nap. I go to work and during my lunch break, I sleep in my car. I come home, take a shower and do more napping. The other night I took a nap after dinner. I'm napping all the time! So much so that my mom came home today and said, "What, are you depressed or something?"

Spring, oh Spring. Where are you my favorite season? Save me from this winter bullshit!



jenell o' boogie said...

"Well that's the good thing about depression, gets you rest." -- When Harry Met Sally

Jamie said...

i'd believe it!

e. Styles said...

Don't fret friend, Phil says spring is soon (